About Us

Live Travel is a concierge travel agency customizing journeys to your unique values and needs at the same time managing your most valuable asset, your leisure time, with the highest care. We are proudly affiliated with Montecito Village Travel, a Virtuoso agency that is endorsed by Forbes Travel Guide.
As we design your holiday, we uphold the three values closest to our heart. Always, it is a custom-designed itinerary so it is uniquely yours. It is a journey for you to enjoy and appreciate the rare and beautiful experiences of life that you feel closest to your heart. Most importantly, the journey serves a purpose for your soul. That taste of pleasure and adventure that makes your heart smile, delights your mind and perhaps awakens something inside you that you never knew existed. Ultimately, we hope to create a personal legacy for you through memories of travel.
“My adventure in travel began at the age of 8 riding a bicycle alongside my dad as we went on our first road trip together,” Debbie tells her story. Her insatiable curiosity for the unknown took her traveling around the world but it was the health benefits from the experiences that gave her a unique calling. After earning her Doctorate in Pharmacy (PharmD), Debbie realized she could go one step further in helping people to achieve a lifestyle of health by investing in travel. For Debbie, the travel experience liberates one’s soul as one explores and connects to the world at the same time discovering a part of oneself one did not know existed. At one point or another and to a certain degree, we all have felt the transcendental impact of travel. Positive, enriching, and empowering.
Debbie’s expertise is founded on her travel experiences in 6 continents and 36 countries and counting. “Travel to create your own memories so that when shared later as stories, they will serve as inspirations for a life well-lived." She tells you as her face lights up beaming with a smile. Debbie is a Virtuoso Advisor, Certified Travel Counselor, a Certified Luxury Travel Specialist, a World Travel Advisor, and a Destination Specialist for such destinations as Africa, Australia, Greece, France, Italy, and Bali.